This web page was produced as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison

Genetic Sequence

Nucleotide Sequence

The picture above is the beginning of the nucleotide sequence of the hcrtr1 gene in the FASTA format. The gene is 2,001 base pairs long. The complete nucleotide sequence of the Hcrtr1 gene can be found in the FASTA format on this Entrez page.

Protein Sequence

Above is the complete human protein sequence shown in the FASTA format. The orexin (hypocretin) receptor is only 425 amino acids long. This information was also found by conducting a search through Enrez.


The FASTA format is very useful in searching for database similarities for genes and proteins you are interested in. It uses an algorithm to scan different segments and looks for common allignments. With this format, you can enter your gene or protein into BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) to find similar sequences.


(1) Nucleotide sequence figure: Entrez website
(2) Protein sequence figure: Entrez website
Eric Suchy, Email: [email protected], last updated: May 15, 2010